Established in 1951, Dr. Zia Pharmaceuticals is among the leading importers, exporters and manufacturers of Homeopathic medicines in Pakistan.


Dr. Zia Pharmaceuticals / Big Tree Sprouts Extract

Big Tree Sprouts Extract


Sequoia Gigantea MG=D1


Organotropism: central nervous system, osteoarticulary system, prostate, uterus.


Therapeutic action:

Anti senescence effect, efficient revitalizing for elderly, acting in terms of physical and moral strength increases, antisclerotic with elective action on prostate and uterus.



Tonic: fortifying in asthenia states and depressive syndromes to elderly, anorexia to elderly; andropause, menopause.

Osteoarticulary system: helps to improve the symptoms from calcification disturbances to elderly, senile arthrosis accompanied by painful osteoporosis.

Prostate: improve the symptoms from disturbances at the prostate level, prostate adenoma in initial phase,
prostate hypertrophy.

Uterus: in uterine fibroma (in gemmotherapic associations).


Contraindications & Warnings: Not known



2 – 3 – 4 ml, once a day, in a little water, before meals or 2 ml, 3 times a day, in a little water, in uterine fibroma.

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