Each 10ml contains
Active ingredients:
Agnus castus
Acidium phosphoriucm
Panax Ginseng
Muira Puama
Nuphar Luteum
Inactive ingredients:
Alcohol volume: less than 15%
Purified water
Drug Facts & Compositions
Agnus castus (Chaste Tree):
Produces its effects on sexual organs of both the sexes; Depression; Impotence and infertility; loss of sexual power; Nervous debility.
Acidiumphosphoriucm (Phosphoric Acid):
It is used to treat Sexual weakness and debility; Mental & Physical stress; Weak & Relaxed genital muscles; Loss of sexual fluids.
Damiana Aphrodisiaca (Tunera Aphrodisiaca):
It treats Chronic fatigue; Sexual debility & weakness from nervous prostration; Impotency; Infertility; Spermatorrhea.
Muira puma (Liriosma Ovata):
Improves psychological and physical aspects of libido and sexual function; menstrual cramps and PMS; neurasthenia; increases blood flow to the pelvic area; Aiding erections in men as well as sensation and orgasm in women; Enhances the production of sex hormones in both sexes.
Nuphar luteum (Yellow Pond-Lilly):
It is given in conditions like complete absence of sexual desire; Genital parts relaxed & weak; Impotency; Spermatorrhea.
Panax Ginseng (White Ginseng):
It is used to treat Weakness of genital organs; Sexual excitement.
Tribulus Terrestris (Ikshugandha):
It is used to treat Sexual neurasthenia; Impotency; Spermatorrhea; Old age impotency.
Reference Source: GHP, EP, IHP pharmacopeia.
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