Established in 1951, Dr. Zia Pharmaceuticals is among the leading importers, exporters and manufacturers of Homeopathic medicines in Pakistan.


Dr. Zia Pharmaceuticals / Bilberry Sprouts Extract

Bilberry Sprouts Extract


Vaccinium Myrtillus MG=D1


Organotropism: urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, mucosa, circulatory system, eyes.


Therapeutic action:

summarizes the action of the bilberry leaves and fruits
• Antiseptic, Astringent, Anti fermentative and antibacterial at the intestinal level, Diuretic, Hypoglycemic,
• Eliminates the uric acid and urea, Reduce platelet agregability, Improve capillaries resistance,
• Protect the blood vessel at the retina level.



Eyes: improve the visual acuity and the symptoms from other visual disturbances (myopia, Night blindness, uveitis, diabetic retinopathy).

Oral cavity: aphta and gingivo – stomatitis.

Digestive tract: improve the symptoms from intestinal infections (intestinal colibacilosis,enteritis) and diarrhea.

Urinary tract: cystitis.

Sugars metabolism: helps to decrease the glucose level in diabetes and the circulatory complications from diabetes.


Contraindications & Warnings: Not known



Adults and children over 7 years old: 2 ml, 2-3 times a day, with a little water, before the meals or 2-3 ml, once a day, in association with other gemmotherapic products.
Children between 2-7 years old the dose must be reduce to half from the adults dose.

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